Our Local Community
Faith Mission Women's Refuge
We serve the women at Faith Refuge by sharing dinner and chapel service once a month. The Mission Council has three teams that coordinate volunteers, The women appreciate our parishioners sharing their time and presence with them in a Christian enviroment. Please contact one of our team members if you are interested in helping out! Call the church office at 723-5288 and ask to leave a message for one of the team members.
Team A - David and Linda Bindel
Team B - Marina Escobedo and Ana Griffiths
Team C - Lulu Canan and Sarah Butler
Sister Night
Our Global Community
Nuestra Señora del Carmel, El Sitio, Guatemala
Eight years ago we started a mission council with our former Pastor Rev. Jack McKone. With his leadership we formed a relationship with the mission “Elias Profeta” run by in Patzún, Guatemala. Elias Profeta’s mission oversees 40 villages around Patzún. It takes care of the basic needs, health, education, and of the people in those communities.
Sacred Heart contributes to the Nuestra Señora Carmen School in El Sitio, a Catholic school with an enroll of approximately 250. Of these 250 students, Sacred Heart parishioners sponsor 105 children at an annual cost per child is $360.00. This covers a student's tuition, school supplies, and a daily snack for the school year.
Children at Sacred Heart make a huge contribution to helping their brothers and sisters in Christ by contributing to the Children's Collection at all masses.